Recently a documentary came on the TV about the 70's mag 'Jackie'. It was called "Jackie - A Girl's Best Friend' which was very interesting. Learned stuff I never knew or hadn't remembered (like the Cathy and Clair page). Also that the mag was produced in Scotland! Had absolutely no idea, thought it was London. That was a bit of surprise. The programme was great, so nostalgic. It bought back great memories. But just one gripe. I felt they dwelt on David Cassidy way too much. It was ridiculous. Towards the end I felt they went on about the Osmonds and David Cassidy far too much, well especially DC. It became like a DC love-fest. Especially when that Nina whats-her-name started drooling all over him. Omg, that Nina whatever-her-name-is just about made my stomach turn! Anyway, as far as I'm concerned there was way too much time spent on talking about DC. But even if they did choose to talk about him (I didn't mind them talking about him I was glad they did) they should have at least made the show a little more balanced and talked about other pop singers or pop groups that were popular in the 70's and given them the same amount of time. Anyone would have thought DC had been the only one to appear in Jackie mag! What about the BCR? Where were they? They didn't feature the BCR at all which I thought was a bit of a cheek! (but they didn't mind featuring BCR fans and pretending that they had been DC fans which I thought was a real cheek! It really was. That was just wrong) When I bought Jackie way back then, the Rollers were in it a lot, but the documentary makers chose to ignore this fact and fawn all over DC (who is bigheaded enough as it is in my honest opinion) Now don't get me wrong, got absolutely nothing against DC, in fact he seems a really nice and charming chap - but I do think the fame may have gone to his head a little at some point. I was actually a David Cassidy fan in the 70's, but it was because I sensed some big-headedness that I went off him. There were all sorts of pop singers and groups in Jackie mag from David Essex to Hello, Slik, David Soul, The Rubettes, Sweet, Gary Glitter...... Erm.... ok, forget GG. Yes, if only we could.
Yes, I saw this Jackie programme......as I was an avid collector of JACKIE magazine....my mum bought it for me every week so eventually I had a huge pile of them, I couldn't throw them away!! Don't know what happened to them tho. wonderfully nostalgic programme!!
Jackie was my weekly buy, use to love the problem page, and makeup page i have the books looking at them bring back so many happy memories.
I used to buy Jackie mag every week. Also bought pink, fab 208, melanie and mirabelle which featured a BCR floppy single once. I must have played that almost to death! Loved listening to the Rollers dolcite tones on that! Anyway, the 70's mags for girls were really great, so glad I grew up in the 70's!
I used to buy Jackie mag every week. Also bought pink, fab 208, melanie and mirabelle which featured a BCR floppy single once. I must have played that almost to death! Loved listening to the Rollers dolcite tones on that! Anyway, the 70's mags for girls were really great, so glad I grew up in that era!
Jackie HAD to be bought every week - just for the David Cassidy posters and Marc Bolan - so sad I know, but Donny's teeth were just too white!
I used to read Jackie magazine in the 70's. And much to my shame I was a Gary Glitter and an Alvin Stardust fan! Whatever was I thinking?!!!!!
Anonymous Your comment reminds me of my school days because that's just like a girl in my class at school. She was a Gary Glitter fan and an Alvin Stardust fan. I never understood it but back then we just accepted that we all had our own taste in music so it wasn't really an issue. But on reflection I've got a feeling she feels the same way as you do about it!
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