One of the best things about being a young girl in the 70's was the girl's mags we used to have. And one of the most popular was of course, Jackie. Almost every girl growing up in the 70's in the UK read Jackie mag at some point! It was really good, with articles and all sorts of things for us pre-pubescent and post-pubescent girlies. So what was so good about it? Why did girls go out and buy it? (of have it delivered by the paperboy if they were fortunate to have parents who were loaded!?) Well, it's simple. There was something for everyone. It was interesting. There were stories of romance or problems that we could relate to, there were letters from readers who were around our age, there were pages filled with all sorts of things from cartoon stories to clothesmaking ideas to info about boys. There was a fashion section which often gave patterns for making interesting clothes and other things. Then of course the most important thing. There were pictures and articles on pop singers and pop groups - which was the one reason why many girls bought it I suspect - me included! There were articles on groups and singers, but also posters that we could hang on our wall. I used to love going into the newsagents and seeing piccies of my favourite popgroup staring back at me from this (or any other) magazine. Cor.. they were just so gorgous. Did I ever fancy them!!!!!! Ahem.... erm.... anyway, yeh Jackie was a really good mag! There was the Cathy and Claire page which answered readers questions. I must admit I'd completely forgotton the name of this page. I knew there was a problem page but didn't remember the names 'Cathy and Claire'. Don't think I really read that page much that's probably why. There were articles about skin care for those worried about spots or acne, there were articles about relationships and boys, boys and erm.... more boys! (which was great for us. Boys were always so baffling when I was at school. It was really tricky at times!) Jackie was a great read. And there were also many others like Fab 208, Pink, Mirabelle and Diana. (did Diana form from Jackie. Not sure) I used to get them all. I think we were actually blessed with great magazines for girls in the 70's. It was a far more innocent era, and all the media, including girl's magazines reflected this.
'Diana' did not form from 'Jackie'. They were separate magazines. 'Jackie' was named in honour of Jacqueline Wilson, later a successful authoress with 'Tracy Beaker'.
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